Love Is The Rhythm – Porn Is The Beat
45 stilts, 2 x-poles, props, mixing desk, stereo boxes, monitors, cameras, spotlights
A stage room equipped with 45 stilts and two dance poles is defined frontally by 100 teddybears and by a monitor and a loudspeaker to each side. Spotlights are blinking constantly. Two technicians are filming the two performers with hand cameras. These images get transmitted live and upside down on the two monitors. The audience has a blocked view on the stage and has to watch most of the performance via the monitors.
From and with:
Brigitte Daetwyler (music, technics, dramaturgy, camera)
Anet Hofer (camera)
students who are doing pole dancing as a hobby and prefer to stay anonymous
Musicstar by SF DRS / O Fortuna by Carl Orff